Generate a .NET data access layer code for objects in a SQL database.
SQL CE Code Generator is a handy application to automatically generate a .NET data access layer code for objects in a SQL Server Compact Edition database. Give SQL CE Code Generator a try to see what it's really capable of!
Here are some key features of "SQL CE Code Generator":
· Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 Custom Tool Support
· Creates entity classes for each table in the database
· Generates data access code that implements the Repository Pattern
· Generates methods for Create, Read, Update and Delete operations
· Generates SelectBy methods for every column in every table
· Generates a Purge method for every table to delete all records
· Generates Count() method for retrieving the number of records in each table
· Generates CreateDatabase() method for re-creating the database
· Generates xml-doc code comments for entities and data access methods
· Generates Entity Unit Tests
· Generates Data Access Unit Tests
What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]
New features:
· Generates an IDataRepository interface that contains the generated repository interfaces that represents each table
Program Informations
Size,Price and Added Date
359 KB.Freeware.$0.00 to buy23-03-2011
Download Links
SQL CE Code Generator Beta.
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