Study the central limit theorem with this tool.
Central Limit Theorem is a small, easy to use application designed to display the effects of the central limit theorem. The user may select from various distributions to draw different numbers of observations for calculating the means.
The distribution of the means is plotted. You may use this program to find out the relationship between the number of observations and the resulting standard deviation of the means.
The central limit theorem is considered to be one of the most important results in statistical theory. It states that means of an arbitrary finite distribution are always distributed according to a normal distribution, provided that the number of observations for calculating the mean is large enough.
Usually 10 observations are sufficient to result in a approxomate normal distribution. The central limit theorem is the reason why normal distributions are so frequent in nature.
Program Informations
Size,Price and Added Date
333 KB.Freeware.$0.00 to buy22-03-2011
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Central Limit Theorem 1.1.
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