File Renamer 1.0


Rename your files fast and easy.

File Renamer is a small, simple application specially designed to help you rename your files with just a few clicks.

Renaming files can be very cumbersome, especially when you want to rename a high number of files. But it is not necessary to click on every single file individually, make some changes to take the same procedure at the next file.

This tool is exactly specialized in this task. All the files to be edited can easily be added to the input list, the changes have to be set only for one time and after that, all the changes can be made with just one click! It is possible to search for keywords in filenames and replace them, it is possible to attach the old name with a prefix or something, or you can give your files numbers. For example, all files can be sequentially numbered from any number.

It is important that this tool only rename files, but changes nothing at the file except of the name. Even the overwriting of a file is prevented, because the name is only be changed if there is no other file with the same name in the corresponding folder

Program Informations
 Developer: Stefan Trost.for
more visit free software

Size,Price and Added Date
590KB.Freeware.$0.00 to buy

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File Renamer 1.0.
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