Sothink Logo Maker 2.05


Sothink Logo Maker upgrades your logo design experience by offering 190 templates, 2500+ searchable vector graphics and 40+ text fonts. Besides, there are 400 well-chosen color schemes filtered by color and category which keep you from complicated color palettes and color matching rules. Effects like gradient, shadow, bevel, glow, reflection & hollow can be accessed by one click. You can also extract a Flash file and reuse its graphic elements.

Sothink Logo Maker
Easy to Use Logo Creator

* Create a professional and unique company logo, banner, header, icon and signature for your website, blog, forum, email in minutes
* Require no graphic design experience or color matching skills
* Provide 190+ logo templates of five categories - Classic, Letter Based, Popular, Cool and Badge
* Export your logo to different dimensions suitable for web or print, in JPG, PNG (with transparent background) or BMP format as needed

Sothink Logo Maker
Unique Design Experience of Logo Maker

* Offer 400+ well-chosen color schemes, filtered by color or category icon new
* Apply cool effects like gradient, shadow, bevel, glow, reflection or hollow to graphic or text just by one click in the Effects panel icon new
* Use the Copy Effect & Color tool to copy all the effect and color properties of one element on the canvas to another
* Replace a graphic with another, with the same colors and effects
* Enable the "Snapping to object" and "Snapping to gird" options to align logo elements on the canvas

Sothink Logo Maker
Design Logo with Rich Resources

* Offer 2,500+ vector graphics of 17 categories, the elements can be searched by keyword
* Provide 40+ stylish text fonts and 6 waved text effects
* System fonts will be automatically imported once they are installed on your computer
* Import images of JPG, PNG, GIF or BMP format
* Import Flash SWF resources and extract vector graphic to use as logo image

Sothink Logo Maker
Powerful Edit and Custom Capability

* Access the tools like Backward, Forward, Rotate Counterclockwise, Rotate Clockwise, Horizontal Mirror, Vertical Mirror, Duplicate and Opacity directly on the toolbar
* Set outline for vector graphic or text in the Custom > Color dialog icon new
* Resize, skew, or rotate an element just on the canvas
* Customize your own colors (Solid/Linear Gradient/Radical Gradient) or filters (Shadow, Bevel, Glow and Reflection) for graphic or text in the Custom dialog
* Use Color Picker on the Colors panel to apply any color from the screen to your logo

New features of the logo creator:

* Optimize the color settings for logo design. Provide lots of color schemes; filter schemes by color or category; and fully customize the color.
* Improve the effect settings, six pre-set effects include shadow, gradient, glow, bevel, reflection and hollow; fully customize the effect.
* Reflection effect and hollow effect are available for image and text objects.

Program Informations
 Developer SourceTec Software
Co., LTD.

Price And Size
 15.0MB  Shareware $35 to buy.

Date Add
October 28, 2010
