

GameBoost will optimize your computer performance and internet connection to speed up web surfing and make your games run faster immediately. GameBoost is the combination of our two products GameGain and Throttle, offering both internet acceleration and gaming acceleration this all-in-one product can quickly enhance your computing experience with a single click of a button.

With GameBoost your internet connection will be upgraded to allow you to download music, movies and files much faster; your computer will also be optimized to run games faster, changes made to Windows will help improve frames per second, memory utilization, foreground application CPU priority and hard disk access speed. GameBoost works by making permanent modifications to the Windows system registry and system files, these changes affect how your internet connection and gaming hardware interacts with all the games you have installed on your computer. No patches or modifications are made to the games and no anti-cheat detection software can detect that GameBoost has increased the performance of your computer to give you an edge over your online competitors.

By improving your internet speed and gaming performance you can reduce lag within games, increase how smooth the game performs both online and offline and enjoy games on your computer without having to upgrade your computer hardware.

Features and Benefits of GameBoost

Makes direct changes to the Windows system registry and system files to enhance memory, screen drawing, animations, refresh rates, CPU threading, and internet speeds.

Automatically adjusts frames per second settings and changes made based on computer specifications.

Proven technology which can double the frames per second rate in games such as Crytek's ® Crysis, Bethesda's ® Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Deep system analyzer and diagnostic features which attempt to find and repair any potential problems with the computer affecting its performance.

Advanced computer software based over-clocking features to enhance memory, CPU priority and internet settings for games.

New and improved modern user interface, easy and intuitive to use and compliant with Windows user interface guidelines.

Software was entirely developed and built in the United States. Technical support also is based in the United States.

Try before you buy licensing with dedicated software updates and quality around the clock technical support.

Program Informations
 Developer PGWARE

Price And Size
 1.75MB  Shareware $17.98 to buy

Date Add
October 25, 2010
