Sharp Dis-Chord Encryptor 1.0

Sharp Dis-Chord Encryptor 1.0

The public storage of our developmental packages on this site made us put a greater effort on the security aspects. Thus all the developmental packages (meant to be seen only by our developers) are from this day on published in the .sdce "Sharp Dis-Chord Encrypted File" format encrypted by this new program.

There will be two versions available of this program: a commandline version and a graphical version. The graphical version for Windows will be stuck in a single .exe file (which holds the needed libraries together) to make it easier to MOVE around, but it will also have an open source edition though for MacOS and Linux. you can free download Sharp Dis-Chord Encryptor 1.0 now.

Program Informations
 Developer Eero Karvonen. for more visit
free software

Size,Price and Added Date
 45KB  Freeware; $0.00 to buy.27-
January 2011

Download Links
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