Quan Yin Pu Sa saving all sentient being


Quan Yin Pu Sa saving all sentient being is a small, animated screensaver, designed to bring some peace to your desktop.

Avalokitesvara means one who looks from the beyond at the world, who is keeping himself in body-form, in mind-form - he is keeping the whole ladder. He has gone beyond, but he is keeping the whole ladder to help, out of compassion. The last desire, to help people - that too is a desire - keeps him in existence. you can free download Quan Yin Pu Sa saving all sentient being now.

Program Informations
 Developer Firstscreensaver.com.
for more visit free software

Size,Price and Added Date
 1.96MB  Freeware; $0.00 to buy.26-January

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