PCGen 5.16.3 RC2 / 5.16.1 Stable

PCGen 5.16.3 RC2 / 5.16.1 Stable

A handy RPG character generator

PCGen is designed like a  RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 Systems mainly), writen in Java. All datafiles are ASCII so they can be modified by users.
Here are some key features of "PCGen":

· Supports scores of d20 games and settings from over a dozen publishers.
· Highly configurable, allowing the GM to add or remove races, classes, feats, and house
rules such as unusual class or race restrictions.
· Supports level advancement, with configurable progressions of feats, skills, and ability score bonuses.
· Produces numerous customized character sheets in HTML and PDF format.
· Produces a "party" sheet with information needed by the GM.


· Java 1.5 or above

What's New in This Release: 

Major Changes:
· Simplified Source Loading Interface
· Automated Data Converter to update 5.14 compliant data to current syntax
· Secret GM character notes that don't export
· Improvement of performance for epic characters
· Implement Flight Maneuverability
· Allow multiple experience tables
· Add Quick Search and filtering to the Kit window

LST Changes:
· New LST parser and validator with rigorous error checking (first step of CDOM implementation)
· ASPECT tag for Abilities and Feats
· FAVCLASS:CHOOSE improvements
· Allow CHOOSE to be used in races and templates
· Assigning Languages via kits

New Games:
· [Paizo] Pathfinder RPG (Beta Playtest Edition)

New Sources:
· [Dragon Wing Games] BP - eFaeries
· [En Publishing] Elements of Magic (Revised)
· [Mongoose] Quintessential Ranger II
· [Mongoose] Quintessential Ranger
· [Paizo] Curse of the Crimson Throne - Player's Guide
· [Paizo] Curse of the Crimson Throne: Chapter 1
· [Paizo] Curse of the Crimson Thr...


License / Price:

Size / OS:

Last Updated:

PCGen Team
28.4 MB / Windows All
July 15th, 2010

Click To Download
PCGen 5.16.3 RC2 / 5.16.1 Stable