"Notepad++ is a free source editor with the syntax highlighting."
BSEditor: Notepad++ is a free Source Editor with the syntax highlighting (supported language for the moment: c/c++/Java/html/xml/PHP/asp/vb/vbs/SQL/Objective-C/JavaScript/ini/makefile/MSDos Display ).
It also gives the extra functionality to the general user: colorize the user defined words. You can print your source code in color (or whatever you want) if you have a color printer (WYSIWYG). Furthermore, Notepad++ includes the multi-view feature, which allows the user to edit the different documents at the same time, and even edit the same document synchronously in 2 different views.
Notepad++ supports drag and drop: not only you can drop the file from explorer to open it, but also you can drag and drop a document from a view to another. With all the functionalities, Notepad++ runs as fast as Notepad provided by MS Windows.
* Syntax Highlighting and Syntax Folding
* User Language Defined System
* Tabed document and Multi-View
* More than 50 languages supported
* Full Drag ‘N' Drop supported
* Macro recording and Playback
* Extensible with its plugin system
What's new?
User can set supported encoding charsets in "New Document Settings".
All the item in context menu can be renamed. Make your ContextMenu.XML in "UTF8 as ANSI" if you want to modify the menu items in your language.
Program Informations
Developer One-Man-Project
Price And Size
4.32MB Freeware Date Add
November 24, 2010