Country Codes 2.7.0


"country code lookup tool"
Edit By BS Editor: Country Codes is a small database of country codes and additional information for more than 250 Countries. It displays their location (continent), ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2-3 codes and ISO number as well as IDDD (International Direct Distance Dialing) country code and flag, FIPS PUB 10-4 and TLD (Top Level Domain) code and the current time in the country, IOC Code, ISO Currency Code and language abbreviation 3-Char name. The program provides checkboxes, that allow you to copy all or just selected information to the clipboard.

In addition, it provides a handy link for each country that launches your browser with detailed information from the CIA World FACT Book and from the NationMaster website. It also provides options such as exporting to HTML file for printing or other uses. You can even Extract the name of country from numeric IP addresses using IP2Location??database and program will automatically display the related information to that country. You can also see the location of selected country in world map. you can free download Country Codes 2.7.0 now.

Program Informations
 Developer iZoX ZONE

Price And Size
 1.32MB  Freeware

Date Add
November 27, 2010
